Fun Summer Activities for You and Your Tots

by Julia Slovich
(Seattle, WA)

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Fun Summer Games for You and Your Tots

Do you feel like you and your kids play the same games all the time, rain or shine? While every game you and your toddler play might seem like a fun, new game for them, you may be so tired of them! With summer upon us, this is a prime time to try out some activities that are sure to wow your tots and make them beg for more.

Balloon Kites
Instead of trying to help your preschooler fly a real kite, try this simple alternative. Tie one end of a string to a large helium balloon and the other end around your child?s wrist. It will be easy for them to fly the balloon and fun to watch! For a more authentic kite look, tie some paper streamers to the balloon.

The Wiggles
Similar to the game ?Simon Says,? have your child imitate your movements. Take 5 long strides, followed by 3 tall marching steps. Move your body in various ways and have your tot try to make the same moves as you. During their early years, they are learning all about their body and how to move it. Not only is this a fun and silly game, but your child will be discovering what he can make his body do!

Mud Bakery
This is a great activity for an afternoon where you have lots of time to set up and clean up! Pretend that you and your preschooler are bakers and make mud pies, cakes, and cookies. Set them out to dry on the sidewalk, and once they are ?cooked? start your pretend bakery! Make sure your tot knows that this is only a game that he/she can play when mommy says its okay. You don?t want to discover a muddy mess on your hands when you need to be at a family dinner in 30 minutes!

Wet Footprints
Have your child stand in a low pan that has water in it and then walk across the pavement (make sure it's not too hot for their bare feet!). Compare their strides with your strides and walking versus running. Seeing the shape of their feet left behind is sure to delight, especially when they fade and disappear just like magic!

This summer, when you are tired of playing the same old games with bubbles and beach balls, try these fun alternatives. Your toddlers are sure to be excited to try something new and will love these games!

About the author: Julia is a writer passionate about health, fitness & blogging. When she's not running her dog she can sometimes be found writing about cooking and a myriad of other topics.

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