Pregnancy-Hospital Checklist

by Rhonda

For pregnant women, preparing for the day of delivery is of great importance. However, many expectant mothers forget this important aspect. Preparation is in terms of both what one must do as well as what one should carry to the hospital. If one does not prepare, they could for example, accidentally leave out some essential items.
To avoid this, pregnant women must take time to prepare early enough. Write up a list of what to carry to the hospital. This can be done 12 weeks before the estimated date of delivery though doing it earlier and revising it as time goes by will do no harm; preparing the list this early is also meant to cater for any unexpected occurrences such as premature delivery. You can leave the actual packing of the items required to much closer to the delivery date as this can be done with the help of your partner, a relative, or a friend.
Many expectant women, more so those that are about to deliver their first-born child, are very specific on the birth plan they intend their doctors to follow during the delivery. If you do intend to use one, write it down so you can hand it to the medical staff that will be in charge of the process. Do not forget to carry your insurance card to avoid the possible embarrassment of being turned back at the hospital door.
Carry clothing for the newborn but carry a change of clothes for yourself too. For the baby, a number of diapers and baby gel would be important. Hospitals often have these but carry some as a contingency. Throw in a baby blanket too to keep them warm. For yourself, make sure the clothes you carry are loose and warm just in case you have to deal with cold temperatures during the hospital stay. A pair of socks and slippers would also do you good.
Remember that it is at this time that lactation kicks in and the breast milk starts to seep. Thus, you will need to carry your own nursing bras and pads. This is because the pads provided by the hospital are sometimes uncomfortably thick and heavy. Something else that may be provided by the hospital but that you would do well to carry is a towel.
As you approach the date of delivery, do not neglect the very important Kegel exercises. That said, do this with the advice of your doctor. The exercises, when properly done, help to open up the pelvis of pregnant women thereby shortening their labor period.
Even with the best planning, you can never know how long your stay at the hospital will be. Therefore, carry a book that will help you pass the time. A portable music player could also serve the same purpose.
Finally, do not forget to carry a camera for this important day in you, your partner, and your child's life. The moments captured will be treasured and immortalized for many days to come.

Rhonda Reyes is a writer for My Baby Bedding Shop and is the loving parent of two. One boy and one girl. Her children are all grown up now but she loves writing about children and giving tips on certain scenarios that parents are faced with along the way. Rhonda sure hopes that you have found this article helpful.

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