Toddler Activities: Make Book About Colors


Toddler Activities: Make a Book About Colors with your toddler to reinforce color recognition. Use color swatches, material, felt or foam to make this cute book. Colors are one of the first concepts a child learns. Making a book about colors will help reinforce color identification. While there are many books about colors in the market...there is a sense of pride a child has, when they share something they made. Some of my twin's favorite books are the ones we made together.


making a book about colors
  • Color Swatches (Fabric, Felt, Foam, Computer Generated, Paint Color Samples, or Construction Paper)

  • Cut Pieces of Construction Paper or Scrapbook Paper for pages. 5" x 5" is an easy to hold size

  • Choice of Binding (Spiral Bound, Two Hole Punch with Ribbon Tie, Stapled with Color Tape Binding to protect fingers from staple points)

  • Printed Labels in Color or Write In Pen the Name of the Color

  • Non-Toxic Glue Stick


  • Select colors to be used.
  • Lay the colors out in a row and have child select color to be pasted down by naming it or you saying its name. Printing the color names in color is a great visual cue. You can also use colored markers.
  • Using a non toxic glue stick have the child put glue on the back and paste onto the paper.
  • Bind book.

Tips and Suggestions

  • Select the 8 colors you find in a small box of crayons.
  • Type the color name in the corresponding color to help make the association between the word and the picture.
  • Putting glue on both surfaces to be bonded helps it stick firmly.
  • To make the book last longer you can use the one sided laminating film that comes in boxes. Cut to size and place over the color square.
  • Point to the word as you identify the color. Over time this will reinforce the idea that letters (and words) have meaning.

Other Ideas

  • Instead of a book format, make a poster for each color. Hang in bedroom or on a bulletin board.
  • Make a horizontal strip (like a banner) with colors in a row and hang it on the wall above the changing table.
  • If you have a spiral bound machine, you can add more colors as they learn colors like gray, lavender, etc. They have small portable binding machines at most large office supply stores. These are great for making books.
  • Introduce reading readiness skills like pointing out the front of the book, back of the book and which way is up.