Toddler Recipes Holiday Treats

Holiday and Party Treats

Here are some of our favorite recipes for the Holidays and for Parties. For every birthday I would have the girls select a theme and I would spend a couple months planning and testing recipes. We are currently bringing our site to Teaching Tiny Tots and will showcase our recipes that we used for party food, favors and just for fun! .
Gold Minecraft Gems Recipe for Parties


Fourth of July

St. Patrick's Day





Party Treats

Why Cooking with Kids is Beneficial

Cooking is a great way to have fun with your child. Not only are you engaging in something that most children will enjoy, but you are introducing many Math concepts that will occur naturally. Here are some of our favorites for each holiday. You can begin involving your children in the kitchen as young as two years old, with the simplest tasks, and help develop the skill of following directions. Teach children to wash their hands before touching food and cleaning counter surfaces before preparing food. As their motor skills improve, new skills can be taught. A great deal of cooking skills become useful in every day skills when they are ready to attend school.

Click Here For Our Yummy Recipes and Family Favorites