Toddler Activities: Decoupage Picture Coasters
Toddler Activities: Print Your Favorite Pictures and Make Them Into Coasters
Mod Podge Furniture Gloss (for a stronger coat to resist moisture)
Foam Brushes
Cork Board sheets, we found a set of square tiles at Walmart similar to the ones shown below from Amazon
Acrylic Spray (adult use only)
Favorite pictures
Flat ceramic hot pad or flat paper weight.
Other Materials
Fiskars Corner Rounder (optional)
Line a flat cookie tray with waxed paper or parchment paper.
Paper cutter (Adult use only)

- Select your pictures. Cut to size.
- If cork is not pre-cut, cut to the size desired. A good size is 3.5 x 3.5 inches or 4 x 4 inches for square coasters.
- For round coasters, cut picture into square to select the portion you want. Trace coaster on the back of the picture and cut the picture picture with scissors. (Adult step)
- Pour a generous amount of Mod Podge into a small shallow dish.
- Brush Mod Podge onto the cork surface. Brush on enough Mod Podge so you have a thick layer not absorbed into the cork.
- Place picture on cork.
- Place picture side down on clean piece of waxed paper and place heavy flat object like a ceramic hot pad or paper weight on it for about 5 min. This will prevent the picture from curling and give it time to set.
- Turn coaster over, picture side up and put a generous coat of Mod Podge on. Let dry about an hour or until picture is clear. Place 4-6 coats, dry between each one.
- Spray with acrylic coat. Let dry add a second coat.
- Place on top of each other when dry and tie with a ribbon for a cute presentation.
Tips and Suggestions
- Since we cut our own cork squares, we put some Mod Podge on the edges to help seal the cut edges.
- Use pre cut cork coasters for best nicest results.
- We bought the furniture Mod Podge because of the thicker consistency which creates thicker layers and it is water resistant. This can be found at a craft supply
store. The regular Mod Podge can be found at most stores that offer a craft section like Super Walmart.
- Note that on the bottle it says it takes 4 weeks to cure but it can be used after spraying with Acrylic Spray to seal.
- Even though this particular Mod Podge is water resistant, keep from soaking or having pools of water on it for any length of time.