Recipe or Letter Holder


A handy recipe, letter or note holder. Add a pack of recipe cards. note cards or pad of sticky notes to complete this cute gift.

Letter or Recipe Holder


  • Jumbo Craft Sticks
  • Craft Glue

  • Acrylic Paint like Ceramcoat.
  • Acrylic Sealer
  • Decorations: Craft Buttons, silk flowers, rhinestones, stickers, paint pens, glitter, etc.
  • Ribbon for hanging
  • Thin ribbon for flower stems (optional)
  • Small container for washing brush and small dish for paint or plastic palette.
  • Waxed Paper or Parchment on a cookie sheet to dry on
  • Add a pack of recipe cards, note cards or sticky note pad with the holder


  • Take 3 jumbo sticks and lay two of them parallel. Lay the third craft stick on the two sticks to form a U shape and glue together.
How to make a letter holder with Jumbo Sticks
  • Continue gluing seven more sticks to the top. Glue them so they are touching eachother but not overlapping.
  • How to make a letter holder with Jumbo Sticks
  • Turn the holder over. Now glue a stack of seven sticks together. Repeat so you have two sets.
  • How to make a letter holder with Jumbo Sticks
  • Glue one stack on the left vertical stick and one stack on the right. Then glue one stack on the bottom.
  • How to make a letter holder with Jumbo Sticks
  • Glue four sticks on the top to make the front of the holder. Again lay them side by side but not overlapping.
  • How to make a letter holder with Jumbo Sticks
  • When glue has dried, paint with acrylic paint. We used two coats of white ceramcoat acrylic paint. let dry between coats.
  • When this has dried, spray with Acrylic Spray 1-2 coats to get a nice sheen.
  • Decorate with your choice of flowers, stickers, foam cut outs, felt, etc.
  • Glue a piece of ribbon on the back so this can be hung or you can attach two more jumbo sticks in the back to form a "house" shape.
  • Tips and Suggestions

    • Use craft glue for a faster, stronger bond.
    • You can also glue two craft sticks together in an upside down "V" to the back to create a way to hang this holder.
    For younger toddlers, simple button patterns look pretty too! Other simple decorations are foam stickers and medium size silk flowers.
    variations on recipe holder

    Educational Note

    Mother's Day is relatively modern, and has been celebrated from about the start of the 20th century. In countries other than the United States, mother's day is also celebrated however, it may be on a different day because of the different origins. In the UK it is called Mothering Sunday and some countries refer to is as International Women's Day.