Penguin and Igloo Scene
Create a little penguin scene using a yogurt cup and plaster of paris. Make an igloo and decorate with small figurines.
- Washed Yogurt container (We selected a brand that had a short, wide cup)
- Plastic Penguin
- Small plastic ocean animals or Ocean themed Erasers
- 2-4 Glass or plastic pebbles
- Light Blue paint
- Silver or White Glitter (optional)
Other Materials
- Plaster of Paris
- Container and spoon to mix plaster
- Paper Plate
- Scissors
- Newspaper to work on
- Read a book(s) about penguins or igloos. A few suggestions are Busy Penguins (A Busy Book)
which is a board book great for younger toddlers and for older ones
365 Penguins.
See the bottom of
page for other suggestions.
- Rinse yogurt cup and dry thoroughly. Cut a small square piece out of side to make entrance to igloo.
- Line table with newspaper and place plate on it with all the materials you will be using prior to mixing the plaster of paris.
- Adult should mix plaster out of reach of children.
- After mixing plaster of Paris, pour enough plaster on plate to make a base about 5 inches x 5 inches.
- Place yogurt cup upside down into plaster of paris on the plate. Press lightly.
- Pour more plaster onto top of yogurt cup and let form in lumps around the back of the cup, behind the door of the igloo.
- Stick in your penguin, fish, crab, pebbles and other decor of your choice.
- Let dry.
- Paint a small area with light blue paint. Add some glitter on the paint.
- Let dry. Peel off of plate gently when completely dry to display.
Tips and Suggestions
- Due to the powder consistency of Plaster of Paris before adding water, mix out of reach of children. You might even consider using a face mask to prevent breathing in the powder.
- We found pebbles at some Dollar Trees or at Craft Supply Stores.
- We use a large 4 cup plastic measuring cup to mix plaster in which makes it easier to pour from. Older toddlers can help pour their own mixed plaster with adult monitoring.
Penguin Poems
Download our Penguin poems and song ideas here
Penguin Poems and Songs
Use them to add to projects or to create a penguin project of your own. Music is great to add another element to a penguin unit.
Other Ideas
Antartica and Penguins
- Print "Antartica" HERE.
- Paint a white paper plate to fit "Antartica" with blue watercolors to represent the ocean.The best plates are the cheapest, thinnest, flattest white ones that you can find at stores like the Dollar Tree. If you use a Dixie plate you have a much firmer plate that isn't as flat and you may have to decrease the size of the map of Antartica.
- Have children draw penguins on Antartica printout.
- Glue Antartica and penguin drawing onto the ocean when dry.
Class Penguin Picture
Have each child make a penguin with construction paper. Glue onto the main picture of the igloo to make a class collaboration.
Penguin Puppet
We made a penguin puppet using felt for a book report. We used white, black and orange felt. We followed a basic puppet patter and then hand drew the white felt shape and the eyes and mouth. We used a simple stitch to make the main piece (black) using embroidery thread in black. Then we use Fabric-Tac to glue on the white piece, eyes and mouth. The piece of velcro was added so the puppet could hold signs. We used popsicle sticks and index cards to make different signs for the puppet to hold during the presentation.
Mixed Media Penguin Picture
The background was painted with watercolor and dried. Each child cut out a penguin and assembled it. They drew their eyes on each and added snowflake stickers.
Penguin Party
This was a theme for one of the girls birthday parties. We did this as a make and take project. It used pom poms, googly eyes, felts for the mouth and arms and we used thick cardboard base from the Dollar Tree. The igloo was a half styrofoam ball and the clear "ice" pieces were from Michaels. We used blue transparent packaging wrap for the water.