Articles Submitted By Our Readers

Articles Submitted By Our Readers

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Can Reading Make Children Smarter? 
Can Reading Make Children Smarter? By: Jim Yang Exactly what is the relationship between reading and intelligence? Does high reading volume help make …

The Research Behind Phonemic Awareness and Reading 
When it comes to teaching children to read, there are mainly 2 schools of thought that the merits of each are constantly debated against one another. One …

Learning to Read With Phonics 
To become fluent readers, children must learn the foundational skills taught by phonics instructions. Any reading program worth its salt must include phonics …

Why You Should Teach Your Kid to Share Toys 
Child psychology is a major aspect of parenting. How you tackle issues your kid faces governs the nature your child will have when he/she grows up. …

Kids Party Theme Ideas 
Having a children's birthday party to plan can feel like a big stress. There are a lot of things to organize, and one of the main ones is going to be your …

Children’s Birthday Extravaganza  
It’s getting to be that time of year again, and you are stumped. Your child’s birthday is creeping up on you and he hasn’t given you any ideas for a theme. …

Top 5 Tips for a Mum to Organize Her Weekly Schedule 
Being a mother is one of the toughest roles to play in life. Starting from diaper changing and going up all the way till sophomore year, a mother has to …

Gift Ideas for Kids 
Buying gifts that will be enjoyed and appreciated for children when you don’t have any children yourself can be challenging. I remember those awful gifts …

Skip the Tricycle and the Training Wheels 
For any parent who has struggled teaching their child to ride a bike, the experience can be a frustrating one for both parent and child. Most parents …

Drama Games in the Classroom 
The Use of Drama Games in the Classroom Today I'm going to talk about the use of Drama games in the primary classroom. Drama games are a perfect …

Fun Summer Activities for You and Your Tots 
Fun Summer Games for You and Your Tots Do you feel like you and your kids play the same games all the time, rain or shine? While every game you and …

Keeping Baby Safe and Happy this Summer 
With summer coming upon us quickly, now is the time to start planning ahead for keeping our babies safe and happy during these hot months. Because babies’ …

Homeschooling and Preschoolers 
As a homeschooling Mom and an Early Childhood Education/Childcare provider who offers preschool as part of my curriculum, things can get quite crazy. My …

Your Child's First Party Invitation 
As you looked at your baby years ago, you may have had a hard time imagining this time coming. It may be hard to believe, but your little baby has suddenly …

3 Easy, No-Mess Winter Crafts for Kids 
It's that time of year again when the cold weather keeps us inside and we do everything possible to keep our children entertained. Crafts are a great …

10 Tips on Reading to Baby  
In the first few months of life, an infant's brain organizes itself based on the child's language experiences. If a child is not exposed to quality language, …

Important Things to Teach Children about Fire Safety 
What would happen if your child hears a smoke detector go off? Would he know what to do? Would he hide or would he let you know and get out of the home? …

Guide to Getting a Kid Friendly Dog 
Children and pets seem to go hand in hand, especially the family dog. However, there are several things you need to consider before bringing a new dog …

Autism - Detection Can Sometimes Be Difficult 
Before I had a child, I knew nothing about autism. I was vaguely aware that kids with autism didn’t speak much and didn’t interact with people much. After …

Quick Facts About Potty Training  
Potty training can be natural, easy, and peaceful. The first step is to know the facts. · The perfect age to begin potty training is different for every …

Potty Training ? Get Ready, Get Set, Go! 
Get Ready If your child is near or has passed his first birthday, you can begin incorporating pre-potty training ideas into his life. They are simple …

You Have Twins?! 
I think the reaction I get when people find out I have twins is totally predictable and almost always exactly the same: eyebrows go up, mouth goes into …

Preparing For Multiples: A Handy Baby Checklist 
Multiples are multiple times the blessing. Once your little bundles of joys arrive, you will be taking part in one of life's wonderful and crazy roller …

Scissor Skill Builders 
Pre-school aged children are expected to meet specific guidelines prior to the start of their official academic career. The ability to know how to use …

Bed Wetting 
Understanding the Cause and Treatment for Small Children Small children may feel ashamed or frustrated about bed wetting. Because of this, bed wetting …

Toxic Plastics - Are They In My Kitchen? 
A Closer Look at Bisphenol-A or BPA Unlike kitchens in the old days, today's kitchens often contain a wealth of plastic items, including many which …

Preschool Preparation 
The first day of preschool can be traumatic for kids who feel that they are being ripped from their familiar surroundings and thrown into a brand new environment. …

Presenting Simple Fingerplays and Songs to Young Children 
Presenting fingerplays and songs to young children may appear to be a simple task but to effectively make fingerplays and songs a valuable learning tool, …

The Loss of Children’s Free-Play in America Part 2 
Parents may be the biggest contributor to the current decline in free-play and their fears, anxieties, worries may influence generations to come. Hara …

Got Play? The Loss of Children’s Free-Play in America Part 1 
Fears of injury and litigation have led to a decline in free-play for children, with consequences that are profound and a growing crisis that threatens …

Exercise Can Enhance Learning in Children 
There is an ongoing effort among educators to find new ways to increase children’s test scores and academic performance. New strategies and techniques …

Pregnancy-Hospital Checklist 
For pregnant women, preparing for the day of delivery is of great importance. However, many expectant mothers forget this important aspect. Preparation …

Benefits of Organized Sports For Children 
Doctors recommend that children aged between 5 to 18 years old should be involved in sporting activities to develop adequate physical fitness and mental …

Got Twins, Triplets, or More? Join a Multiples Club! 
How do you breastfeed multiples? Which formula should I use on my preemie twins? I want my multiples to have play dates, (other than each other), but I …

Celebrating Birthdays with Multiples 
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Jonathan, Dear Jeremy, and Dear Joseph...Happy Birthday x2 x3 or x4! The Happy Birthday …

Giving Toddler Choices: Win The Battle of the Wills 
Going through that phase where your toddler wants to pick out his or her clothes, and every choice you suggest seems to be the "wrong choice"? This …

Reading Versus Watching Television With Your Tots 
Television has really become a kid's baby sitter in many households today, and this is not only sad, but can also be one of the reasons our younger generation …

Save Money With Alternative Energy 
I was doing a little research about upcoming earth day events when I came across this page Toddler Science Earth Day . It is so nice seeing others …